We pride oursevles in taking the most objective stance on every event taking place in our current world, we are here to inform or your money back (maybe).
After an alarming alert from the hubble space teloscopes scientist all aroung the world are trying to find a way to prevent a meteor crashing into our planet. The report came late night on January 5th 2018. This doomsday scenario has been thought about for many decades, however no real solution has come about. Nuclear weapons are the first option that we have, and the only one.
"Nukes, nukes, nukes, we got them let's use them"said Kim Jong Un earlier today.
Much to everyone's surprise, many people agreed with Kim Jong Un. World leaders all around the world have begun to collect all of their nuclear missiles and are set to meet in an undisclosed location to come up with a conclusive plan.
Many people around the world are voicing their opinions, even director of the ciritically acclaimed film titled Armaggedon, Micheal Bay making a satement.
"Have you seen my movie? Just send the astronauts on the spaceship up there, yeah they're gonna die, but this is what they signed up for"
So far no updates have come from any nation in the talks, however as they are released we will keep you updated.
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